Bread & Butter update
On the eve of the show Bread & Butter will be hosting a roaring twenties opening party, taking place at Berlin-Tempelhof Airport on Tuesday January 18. Further more the new international kidswear platform of Bread & Butter is taking place for the first time at Tempelhof Airport from 15 – 17th July 2011. Bread & Butter Youngstars is the name of the new international kidswear platform.
Following a presentation to leading kidswear brands, buyers, agencies and representatives from the industry-relevant press Karl-Heinz Müller, Managing Director Bread & Butter GmbH said: “The aim of the convention was to let the kidswear industry have their say. Of course we had already given some prior thought to the essential points and presented a solution. We are absolutely certain that if the industry needs and wants an international platform à la Bread & Butter, we will give it to them!”
Image: Bread & Butter