Marc Jacobs apologises for neo-Nazi T-shirt
Marc by Marc Jacobs has apologised and removed from sale
a T-shirt featuring imagery that is similar to that of neo-Nazi band Skrewdriver. The white T-shirt bears the image of two combat-boots, which resembles Screwdriver’s 1987 LP Boots & Braces.The designer label has denied that the boots on the T-shirt are in any way related to the ‘white power’ band, and the T-shirt has already been pulled from US department store Nordstrom, The Huffington Post reports.
"It has been brought to our attention that the imagery on a T-shirt of ours is similar to that used by a band," a spokesperson for the brand told The Cut. "We were not trying to make a connection to that band or make a statement of any kind. We have removed the stock of the shirt from our own stores and offer our retail partners the same opportunity."