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Mr Porter to release shopping app on Apple TV

By Vivian Hendriksz


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London - Mr Porter, the male counterpart to Net-a-Porter, is set to launch a shoppable app on Apple TV, which will allow shoppers to looks through The Journal, the retailer’s weekly digital magazine that will feature shoppable content.

The app was developed for tvOS, the operating system Apple TV operates, reports WWD. In addition to featuring shoppable items, such as apparel, accessories and lifestyle products, the app will also feature short films from each Journal publication, including behind the scenes footage and tutorials.

“As we aim to create innovative new omnichannel retail experiences by combining TV and e-commerce,” said Yoox Net-a-porter chief executive officer Federico Marchetti to WWD, “the vision of shopping luxury via Apple TV is now a reality. We are pleased that Mr Porter is among the first to give luxury customers a great new way to shop.”

The new app can be accessed through either an iPhone or an iPad and allows shoppers the freedom to browse through product categories and content before making a purchase.

Photo: Mr Porter iPhone App, App Store

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