Elyse Walker joins CFDA for Rising Talent Retail Program
Los Angeles fashion designer Elyse Walker recently decided to partner up with the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) for a new project. The partnership involves a new organization that helps to support emerging fashion designers in the industry.
Walker, who originally started in fashion as a stylist, is now known for her eponymous fashion empire. Walker serves as a fashion director, designer, and owner of her retail boutique. In teaming up with CFDA, she has unveiled a new program that highlights up-and-coming young designers. “It was natural to collaborate with the CFDA,” Walker told the Hollywood Reporter. “This is simply another progression of our mission and we are thrilled to launch this program.”
The initiative, entitled the “Rising Talent Retail Program,” started off this month with a two-day workshop in Los Angeles. The workshop was led by Walker, co-owners Michael Mente and Mike Karanikolas, and executives from CFDA. The hope is that the participants of the project can delve further into the fashion world due to exposure, advice, and tips form the pros.