Call for entries: fashion students’ drawing talent to be showcased in exhibition
Sketching with pen and paper remains relevant, even in a world obsessed with digital. That’s why the London College of Fashion (LCF) has partnered up with art supplies store Cass Art to organize a competition of fashion illustration for students.
Now in its fourth year, #drawfashion will award winners with three art material prizes worth 1,000 pounds. In addition, all shortlisted pieces will be exhibition at Cass Art’s Glasgow Art Space from November 14-23. The winner is set to be announced on November 15.
To enter the contest, students have to submit six original fashion drawings or artworks in one DF file no bigger than 9MB to Applicants must also make sure to post the same images to their personal Instagram accounts, using the hashtags #drawfashion and #cassart and tagging both Cass Art’s and LCF’s profiles.
Image: courtesy of London College of Fashion