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Yoox Net-a-Porter Group to take part in ‘The Hour of Code’ initiative

By Vivian Hendriksz


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London - Online luxury conglomerate Yoox Net-a-Porter Group is set to take part in the Hour of Code initiative, the world’s largest, global technology learning event created by non-profit association Code.org. The initiative aims to raise awareness surrounding computer science and teach young people the basic skills of computer programming.

YNAP, as one of the world’s leading online luxury retailers, is eager to ensure the younger generation maintains a strong adopt rate of digital skills and recognises that education is one of the key drivers in achieving this goal. Set to take place from December 5 to 11, 2016, during the Computer Education Week, the Hour of Code sees tens of millions of children aged 4 and up come together to participate in over 10,000 events being held in more than 180 countries.

"The demands of tomorrow’s workplace are rapidly changing and it is critically important that we equip future generations with the skills they need to thrive. Our tech teams in the UK and Italy look forward to being part of the Hour of Code, sharing their passion for combining creativity and technology to code the future”, commented Alex Alexander, Chief Information Officer, YNAP.

Yoox Net-a-Porter Group is set to offer lessons during the Hour of Code to attendees in the UK and Italy. Experts from YNAP’s technology team in London and Bologna will come together to teach coding to children and young people aged 4 to 16 at a number of primary and secondary schools, higher learning and training centres in London, Milan and Bologna, cities where the group has its main offices.

The initiative aims to provide students with the chance to learn the basics of programming, whilst giving them the opportunity to engage with computer science and test coding programs which will allow them to develop new innovations themselves.

Photos: Courtesy of YNAP

computer programming