In Focus: Graduation show Gerrit Rietveld Academy 2016
By FashionUnited
The Europahal of conference center Amsterdam RAI, the Netherlands, served as the backdrop for the graduation show of fashion students from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. Following the first and second year students, the graduating designers presented their collections. This year saw 12 fashion students present their graduate collections.
Designer: Vere van Hal
Designer: Isis Postel
Designer: Billie-Emelie Karola Therése Palmhager
Designer: Eva Valdimarsdóttir
Designer: Marianna Ladreyt
Designer:Myrthe van Hardeveld
Designer: Iris Woutera de Jong
Designer: Naomi Hille
Designer: Daan Keizer
Designer: Vika Mozhaeva
Designer: Ralph W Dennis
Designer: Yoko Maja Hilfling Rahbek Hansen
Watch the video:
Images: Peter Stigter, Video: FashionUnited
Gerrit Rietveld Academy
Graduation Show